This research work was carried out in the Academic Support Unit ing. “José Landaeta” located in the Coro plain at approximately 11° 21' 00" North latitude and 69° 37' 00" West longitude, Miranda municipality, Falcón State; with the objective of evaluating the radical development of four grasses and natural vegetation on the physical, chemical and biological properties on a vertisol soil. The trial was carried out using a completely randomized block experimental design with five treatments: T1 (Vetiveria zizanoides L), T2 (Pennisetum purpurem Schuamack), T3 (Panicum máximun Jacq), T4 (Saccharrum officianarum L), T5 (Natural vegetation) and three repetitions. Sampling was carried out at the beginning of sowing (MI), two months after sowing (2M), four months (4M) and six months (6M). The physical analyzes were the following: apparent density, macroporosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The results of this experience showed values that indicate a slight positive trend to the effect of root growth on some physical properties and in some cases a negative effect on them. Very little statistical difference was achieved (α 0.05) between the treatments, which we understand as an effect of the time factor in the accumulation, transformation and addition processes that commonly act in the recovery of soils with high physical degradation.